
Turning a six-week placement into a job

Turning a six-week placement into a job


MEANit – a web design agency based in Letterkenny – weren’t looking to take any staff on when Donegal ETB got in touch about placements for their Digital Sales and Marketing learners.

Michael MacGinty, Director of the agency explains “Maryann joined us with a fantastic attitude. She just got stuck in from day one. I think positive attitude is everything and she’s got it in bucketloads.

“Maryann has led on two big projects here at the agency - migrating our weekly newsletter from one mailing system to another redesigning our blog. Both needed not only to be of the same standard, but better. She’s worked really hard and achieved that, making them more user friendly and engaging.

"Maryann has gone from strength to strength and everything she does has added to the company. In fact, she has actually created a job for herself."

“I think Maryann just has the kind of outlook and approach that we look for. As well as this, she is coming out of her course with real-world experience. The big strength of a course like the Digital Sales and Marketing traineeship at Donegal ETB is that it positions the learning in a real-world context. Maryann spends part of her time working with us and the other three days in lectures and tutorials. When Maryann encounters a problem, she’s back in the classroom in no time and can ask her tutors. She’s not coming out with just the theory; she’s got solid experience to offer.

“After a four year degree, graduates can come out in the workplace knowing all the theory there is to know, but without knowing how to put it into practice. We’ve had this problem here. With Maryann we know that if we ask her to do something, she can get it done.

“I know travel may be part of her plans, but the beauty of digital marketing is that if she wants to go off and live in Melbourne or Han Oi, she can work remotely. She’ll just have to get up either VERY early or VERY late to skype into those team meetings!

To start your career in digital sales and marketing search here.